

In starting this blog, my aim is to have a place to share my scrapbooking, card making, paintings and photos with friends and rellies. Hopefully it will inspire me to produce more....LOL. Welcome!
Sue xxx

Sunday, June 7, 2015

ICAD 2015 has started!

Last year I took part in ICAD.....index card a day for the months of June and July. I had a total ball and didn't hesitate to sign up again this year. You can see all the details on Tammy Garcia's blog  

My title card

Day1  There is a daily prompt which is optional. Day 1 was chevron.
Day prompt used

Day prompt used. I had fun drawing and doodling. I haven't drawn a lot of faces and I want to do some during ICAD and hopefully improve.
Day 4....The prompt was mailbox and I chose some junk mail from a pile I have and collaged lots of Christmas pictures from a catalogue.
Day 5....more is so relaxing!
Day 6....another face..I am happy with this one
Day 7....I had no inspiration today until I hit on the idea of sewing and gelli prints. Happy with how it came together.

Inspiration Wednesday 8 & 9

Inspiration Wednesday 8

Inspiration Wednesday 9...I was very happy with this one. I am still a couple of weeks behind...will have to catch up!